Thursday, November 16, 2017

The Power Of Yitzchak's Blessings

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In this week's parsha, Toldos, Yitzchak blessed Yaakov, "May G-d (haElokim) give you from the dew of the heavens and the fat of the land, and abundance of grain and wine."

Most of the blessings given to Avraham and Yitzchak are given with the name Havaya (yud, hay, vav and hay). Most blessings in general, including the Kohen's blessing is with the name Havaya, so when a different name is used, in our case, Elokim, we have to ask: Why?

Every name of Hashem represents a different expression of His energy in the world. For example, the name Havaya represents chesed, kindness, it is an unbridled flow of His creative energy that makes existence possible. However, being that it is unbridled, it is too much, and in order to make existence actually work, the name Elokim, which represents gevurah, strength, discernment and discipline is necessary. It acts as a converter, translating the Havaya energy so that the world can exist as we know it. It doesn't restrict it, it just makes it user friendly. This is why in the story of creation the name Elokim is used, "In the beginning Elokim created the heavens and the earth." Because it is the name Elokim that allows for existence.

But at the same time, the energy that we receive from gevurah is greater than that from chesed. Because chesed, kindness, is cool and calm, and therefore limited, however, gevurah, strength, is hot and passionate, and therefore unlimited. 

Now it begins to make sense, why these great blessings are given only by Yitzchak, and not by Avraham and Yaakov, because Yitzchak's attribute was gevurah. We also find that right after Avraham died, Hashem blessed Yitzchak with the name Elokim, as it says, "And it was after Avraham died, and Elokim blessed Yitzchak his son." This is the first time we have the name Elokim connected to a blessing and it is specifically for Yitzchak. Before Avraham died, the blessings were according to his attribute and his mode of service, chesed, through the name Havaya. Once Avraham died, the blessings started to come in accordance with Yitzchak's attribute and his mode of service, gevurah, hence the name Elokim.

The blessings that Yitzchak gave Yaakov, "May Elokim give you from the dew of the heavens. . ." are greater than the blessing that Hashem gave Yitzchak, "And Elokim blessed Yitzchak his son." How do we know this?

Rashi tells us that Avraham was afraid to bless Yitzchak, because he saw that Esav was coming from him. So he said, "let the Master of blessings come and bless who is good in His eyes," And Hashem came and blessed Yitzchak. From this story it is understood that had Avraham blessed Yitzchak, his blessing would automatically transfer to his children, including Esav. It therefore stands to reason, that the blessing that Hashem gave Yitzchak, transferred to his children, so that both Yaakov and Esav had this blessing automatically.

We read in our parsha of the lengths Yaakov went to, doing things that were against his nature, just to secure Yitzchak's blessings. If he already had Hashem's blessing, why did Yaakov want Yitzchak's blessings so badly? The answer is obvious, that Yitzchak's blessings were much more than the ones he already had.

We also read in the parsha, that Yitzchak wanted to give his blessings to Esav. Why? Didn't he know that Esav was trouble? Of course he did, but he saw in Esav great potential, because the source of Esav was from a very high spiritual realm, and he felt that if only he got the blessings, perhaps they would bring out his great potential.

We are taught, that although Esav had great potential, the blessings would have been wasted on him. Either they would have gone to waste, being swallowed by his boorish nature, or they would have been too much for him to handle, and they would have destroyed him.

Ultimately, it was Yaakov that got the blessings, and that is good, because it is only through Yaakov, that Esav could be refined, attain his true potential and receive the blessings.

We are Yaakov's descendants, and we have been given the ability to have an amazing effect on the world around us, Esav's descendants, we could bring out their great potential. In this way, they also receive the blessings.

What gives us the ability to have such a profound effect on the world? It is because we have Yitzchak's powerful blessings from the name Elokim, and this is what it means when it says, "through him (Avraham) the nations of the world will be blessed." That we, the children of Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov, will finish the mission that they started, change the world for good and bring Moshiach.

May we all enjoy the simple meaning of Yitzchak's blessings, "May G-d give you from the dew of the heavens and the fat of the land, and abundance of grain and wine." Together with every other blessing, including nachas, good health and abundance. And especially the greatest blessing, the coming of Moshiach. May he come soon.
In honor of my brothers, the Shluchim of the Rebbe, who are having the International Conference of Chabad Lubavitch Shluchim (Kinus Hashluchim) this week. May you have amazing success in your shlichus, nachas from your children, and good health.

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