Thursday, January 15, 2015

More Pain More Gain

This weeks parsha, Vaeira, opens with Hashem´s response to Moshe´s outcry "why have You mistreated his people?"

Hashem sent Moshe to tell the Jewish people that He will soon redeem them and the suffering only got worse.

Hashem responds "I am Havaya. I appeared to Avrohom, Yitzchak and Yaakov as Kayl Shakkai but My name Havaya I did not make known to them.. I will keep my covenant.. I heard their groans.. Therefore say to them: I Am Havaya.. I will take you out.. Save you.. Redeem you.. Take you .. And I will bring you to the land.."

How does "I Am Havaya" answer Moshe's outcry?

Great revelation comes through great suffering. The greater the accomplishment, the greater the toil.

We are here to reveal Hashem's essence in the world. Essence is revealed only under enormous pressure, like diamonds from coal.
When we left Egypt we got a diamond, Hashem's Torah, His land, we got Him.

This is Hashem's reply to Moshe, "I'm hoaning out a deeper connection with you."

This is but the tip of the iceberg. Just like a marriage, at the beginning there is powerful connection, however, over years of struggle and hardship the couple forge a connection which is infinitely deeper. So too is true about our connection with Hashem. When we left Egypt our it was powerful, however, now that we have endured unimaginable hardship and suffering in this exile, two thousand years, imagine how incredible our connection has become. Soon, when Moshiach will come, we will experience the fruit of our labor. Hashem will reveal His essence and we will be one.


  1. Powerful, especially when coming from one that knows what suffering is!

  2. May HaShem continue to bless you, Reb Yitzi, with the ability to teach and inspire us. I especially liked the comment comparing our bond to HaShem to that of a marriage--the hardships and struggles DO make for a connection which is almost impossible to break. Shabbat Shalom from Israel.

  3. We are so happy to see you back posting.. You always provide the motivation to study more.

    Only blessings and a quick recovery!!
